Processing Cocoa

This website informs you about our specialties on Cocoa processing and all related areas. Every specialty that we perform in our company will be described. Of course we will be happy to answer any additional questions you have. It is always possible to contact us by mail or phone.

High quality

Characteristic for the company is the fact that it is only providing a service and for this it has an independent and neutral position. By the customers this is, besides the discreet, alert, flexible, innovative and customer friendly approach, highly appreciated.

Diverse activities

Loos Cacao B.V has specialized itself in the processing of Cocoa powders, with different fat contents, and Cocoa butter and -liquor. Meanwhile Loos Cacao B.V. is proud to the fact that almost all large renowned Dutch Cocoa manufacturers belong to their customers.

A typical family company

In and behind the glorious building of the former milk factory “De goede verwachting” (“The good expectation”) Loos Cacao B.V. is situated. In the Dutch countryside at the village Berkhout one can see the company from a big distance. Being seen from here it looks like a small company, but at this time 20 to 25 employees are working here full time. The company nowadays has become an important partner for the Cocoa industry with customers all over the world.

Loos Cacao is a typical family company. Founder Piet Loos is retired for several years now, the current direction consist of Margret Veld-Loos, Dennis Veld and Hans Houter. The company in its actual form only exists since 1993, however the company has, although in another form, a longer history.


Want more information about our activities and opportunities? Please contact us using the information below. You can also use the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Loos Cacao B.V.
Bobeldijk 69
1647 CH Berkhout

Phone: 0031 229 – 55 14 32


